Monday, 14 November 2016

This is what your favourite Superheroes looked like originally

Most people think of 'superhero' movies as a concept which emanated  in the 21st century. Well, superhero movies are older than quite a number of my reader's grandmothers. *winks*

I mean, if you were told before now than the first production of 'Superman' was in 1948, you totally won't believe that right? Well, I'm here to make you believe it.

And however, I'm not only gonna make you believe that, I'm also going to show you what they looked like in the past.

I must confess, most of the previous versions of these superhero characters look so funny I almost hit my head on my laptop screen while making this post.


1. Thor

Like what happened here tho? He looks just like a farmer or a herdsman! LOL

2. Iron Man

Lol, this one formerly looked like a blacksmith or an astronaut.

3. Batman

Not so bad...

4. Superman

5. Wolverine

6. Fantastic Four

This one looks just like a group of orphans smiling for the camera. LMAO

 7. The Flash

Mmm...the old one's not looking so bad...

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

 LMAO...they look like beggars or the less privileged in a queue, happily waiting to collect their daily ration of food from the orphanage home!!!

9. Wonder Woman

10. The "Amazing" Spider-man 1977 and 2016

11. The Hulk

And the first version of hulk, he looks like he has Down syndrome. LOL

12. Doctor Strange; 1978 and 2016

Well, I hope I just made you smile? Now, this is what I want you to do for me

-Use the COMMENT box below to tell us all what you think about 'em characters

-Use the SHARE buttons to let your friends enjoy what you just did, you don't want to look stingy.

Follow me on IG: @mgabshub_blog


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