Sunday 13 November 2016

13 cartoons that glued us to our TVs in the 90s and the early 20s

Before the likes of 'Family guy' and 'South park', there were cartoons that glued us the 90s kids to our TVs back in the day...

Some of these cartoons gave us sleepless night, some of them made us skip our chores at home, some of them prevented us from doing our home works, while the others made us wanna smile out our cheeks.

However, I've compiled 'em cartoons, the much I can and the much I can remember.

Do sit back and smile all through :) 😊


1. Scooby Doo:


2. Powerpuff Girls



3. Dog City


4. The 'mighty' Tom & Jerry:


5. Animaniacs


6. The Muppet


7. The Flintstones

I personally didn't write my homework one day cos of this one. LOL

8. Dexter's Labouratory


9. Snow White


10. Teletubbies


11.  Fraggle Rock


12. Voltron

13. Pinky and the Brain

- Do you think I missed out on some other popular cartoons? 

- Drop it on the COMMENT box and I sure will update it. 

- SHARE to your friends too, I'm sure they'll love it just like you did. ;)

Follow me on IG: @mgabshub_blog


  1. And u had to use me for your advert?Lol nice try. It didn't work

  2. Pinky and the brain was so cool. I really miss my childhood


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