12 Innocent Pictures That Can Prove You've A Really Dirty Mind

Human minds could get as filthy as anything you can think of right now―just anything. Sometimes… READ MORE

Most Visous Valentine's Day Prank On The Internet

Pranks are best known to come and feel like pranks, and not like blows or explosions to the heart. Jay, Kerr's boyfriend made us understand and know more about the different forms of pranks... READ MORE

Dubai Is Building The World's First Rotating Skyscraper

Dubai plans to take your 360-degrees math experience far beyond video by building the world's first ever rotating skyscrapper by 2020... READ MORE

12 Unbelivable Facts About Porn You Probably Didn't Know

Porn is everywhere of course, apart from north Korea. That's all I've to say...LOL... READ MORE

AMAZING! Dog executes flawless mannequin challenge in Pensylvania. Watch!

For me, this is, "what a man can do, a 'dog' can do it better." LOL. It's funny how some dogs can get to behave so manlike sometimes. Umm... I don't actually mean the Ekuke breed of dogs, they're totally way off the list.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Attempt To Rape Dog Goes terribly Wrong

Jesus Ramon Sanchez, from the Little Havana neighborhood in Miami, was allegedly attempting to engage in sexual intercourse with a 4-year old male pit bull, when the dog defended itself by tearing off the man’s genitals with its teeth.

The incident took place around 8:30 this morning, in the Allen Morris Dog Park in Miami.
According to witnesses, 4-year old Spanky, was playing with his owner in the park when Mister Sanchez grabbed him and attempted to rape him. The male pit bull violently resisted and severely injured its attacker’s legs, arms and groin.
According to its owner, this is the first time that Spanky has ever bitten anyone, and he acted strictly out of self-defense

“The dog was just running around, playing with a ball, when the man came out of nowhere and tried to grab it,” says Dorothy Steinberg, a witness of the events.

“The man had his pants down and was struggling with the dog. Everyone in the park was just stunned and nobody did anything, but the dog defended itself and bit back. In a matter of seconds, he grabbed the man’s genitals with its teeth and literally tore them apart.”

You can watch the video below:

This Is What Happenes To You When You Stop Having Sex

The importance of a regular and healthy sex life is often underestimated. However, there are 8 good reasons why you should not neglect the sex life, most especially if you're married.
Nevertheless, this is what happens to your body when you stop having sex.


1. You get sick more often:

If you haven’t had sex for a long time, the immune system  will become significantly weaker. Germs have an easier job of spreading in the body and you can get the flu or catch a cold or more easily. So, have more sex to be more healthy!

2. The dreams change:

Suddenly, some people have not a regular sex and notice that they have strange dreams. It means that you start dreaming about sex and have orgasms in your sleep.

3. The risk of cancer increases:

When men don’t have sex for a longer period of time, the risk of prostate cancer increases. So, men should “flush out” the pipes because the risk is significantly reduced.
For all these reasons, you should make love more regularly, shouldn’t you?

4. A hole will start to develop between you and your partner:

When a couple in a relationship rarely sleep together, their distance becomes greater. You start to have uncertainties related to your partner. Moreover, other people will be more attractive to you.

5. It lowers the self-worth feeling:

It is a fact that a person’s self-worth is harmed, if the individual does not regularly feel desired. However, the lack of sex is affecting a person’s well-being, and is leading to depression and sadness when sex is not present in their lives. Studies have shown that regular sex helps in fighting  depression. Sometimes, It can even work as antidepressant.

6. You'll lose the desire to have sex:

If you’re having a prolonged dry spell in sexual sense, than production of sex hormones reduces. You do not like to have sex because you have been abstinent for a while. Additionally, your libido will feel different and this is due to the fact that sex hormones are slowly vanishing.

7. It becomes harder to get aroused:

If people don’t regularly have sex, it’s difficult to become aroused. Men can have problems having erections while women are hard to have an orgasm. So, you have to be sure that the “switch”  is always on.

8. Wet dreams occurs more frequently:

Suddenly, some people have not a regular sex and notice that they have strange dreams. It means that you start dreaming about sex and have orgasms in your sleep.


Friday, 20 January 2017

Find Out How Taking Selfies Cause THESE Mental And Personality Disorders!

All of us have one or two friends we’ve seriously considered holding a selfie intervention for. And thanks to some new information, we’ve now got a few genuine reasons to be concerned. You see, psychologists have linked compulsive selfie-taking to a number of mental health and personality issues.
‘Oh, but surely that only applies to people who take an insane amount of selfies,’ you might be thinking. Actually, no. According to the American Psychiatric Association, even just three selfies daily is cause for concern.
Let’s take a look at a few of the issues experts say are at play in compulsive selfie taking.

1. Narcissism

Research has shown that individuals with higher narcissistic personality traits tend to post more selfies on social media. Editing a selfie before posting it is a sign of even greater narcissism.

Narcissistic individuals need admiration to function. Posting a selfie allows them to get this admiration by way of likes and comments. This sort of admiration is incredibly misleading due to the disingenuous nature of social media. That doesn’t stop it from going to a narcissist’s head, of course.

2. Body Dysmorphic Disorder

“Two out of three of all the patients who come to see me with body dysmorphic disorder since the rise of camera phones have a compulsion to repeatedly take and post selfies on social media sites,” says psychiatrist Dr. David Veale (Via).

One British teenager with the disorder actually tried to kill himself when he couldn’t get a perfect selfie. 19-year-old Danny Bowman spent 10 hours taking up to 200 selfies every single day. He didn’t leave his house for six straight months.
Of course, Danny’s case is extreme. But the near-universal nature of his following statement sends shivers down my spine:
“The only thing I cared about was having my phone with me so I could satisfy the urge to capture a picture of myself at any time of the day.”
In body dysmorphic disorder patients, compulsive selfie-taking often accompanies an eating disorder.

3. Low Self Esteem:

According to mental health expert Tina Sadri, behavior such as frequent selfie posting “may be little more than a self-presentational strategy to compensate for very low and fragile self-esteem.”
While selfies may seem to boost one’s self-esteem, they actually do so in a negative way.

“Teenagers are often driven by insecurity to construct a desirable persona, they are particularly vulnerable to the negative side of self-portraiture,” says psychologist Lucie Hemmen. “If a young girl poses provocatively and gets 300 likes for that photo, that’s false self-esteem for that kid.” (Via)


You might want to see this video if you wanna learn more about mental health implications caused by taking selfies below:

Watch the video, and thank me now via the COMMENT SECTION, for enlightening you. #tongue

Thursday, 19 January 2017

How To Chill Your Drinks To 5°C In Only 2 Minutes, Without A Fridge; Using This Technique

You probably might have been there, inviting a few friends over or perhaps, you're expecting a full house ― and then realize that you haven't chilled your drinks just when your guests have arrived.
What you have on your hands is a true party emergency. So, how do you chill your drinks in time for you to be able to chill out with your friends without feeling like a bad host? Well, read on to find out...

1. Fill a thick glass bowl with water and ice:

The thicker and more insulated the bowl, the better. It should be able to trap the cold water and ice mixture. Add as much ice to the water as you can, but not so much that it prevents the entire beverage container from being submerged into the water. A 50/50 mix of ice and water is a good rule of thumb. If you just need to chill one or a few drinks, this is fine. If you have to chill many drinks, you’re better off using a cooler or even your bathtub.

2. Add a pinch of salt to the water. 

A small handful should do. The salt will disassociate into its constituent sodium and chloride ions. The water molecules, being polar, will orient themselves accordingly. This is work, and work requires energy which comes from thermal energy in the water, thus reducing the ambient temperature further.

3. Put your drinks in the ice water solution and rapidly stir them. 

Stirring the drinks will help the heat transfer out of your drink and into the ice solution more quickly.

4. Wait two minutes. 

The temperature should have fallen dramatically in a very short time. If it needs more time chilling, stir the remaining drinks in the salted ice water for another minute or two.

5. Pour your cold drink into a glass. 

It should now be about the perfect temperature to quench your thirst — and the thirst of your guests. Just be careful: if you put in a carbonated drink like a soda, give it some time to settle before you pour it.

You can watch the video below and thank me now on the COMMENT SECTION, for enlightening you. 😜😜

Dog Jumps Into Her Bathroom Barking Furiously, What Happened Next Will Amaze You

They said that dogs are man’s best friend. They could be your companion when no ones around. They could be your best lover when people seemed to have forgotten you.

They could be your jog buddy or even your hunting mate. Dogs have been so relevant in people’s lives ever since the world began. They are one of the nicest and smartest creatures in the kingdom Animalia. They’re dependable and amusing but can sometimes become annoying and irritating.

However, according to ntd.tv, Papillon, a two-year-old Collie dog, was alone with Mindi (his owner) and her baby on a fateful day. Mindi has just tucked her baby to sleep and then opted to taking a shower.

While having her time, she suddenly heard the dog barking frantically in the other room. She ignored it at first and got on with her bath. Papillon continued barking and it irritated her. She didn’t want the dog’s bark to wake her baby up.
Papillon came barging in the bathroom door and peeked in the shower curtain.
She supposed that the dog was trying to tell her something as she remembered from a show on TV, Lassie, about how animals communicate with humans. Lassie was a fictional dog character in a TV series, showing the adventures of a rough collie.

She said that if it was on TV, the master would follow the dog, and so she did. Papillon stood up and pointed his paws on her daughter’s crib. She then noticed that her baby’s lips were blue. She knew then that something was wrong.
Fortunately, Mindi had training as a medic. She called 911 and administered a CPR on her baby. Soon, Rachel was breathing again and was brought to the nearby hospital.

It was found out that the baby had weak muscle between her stomach and esophagus which caused food to lodge in there and preventing her airways to function normally.

From then on, they have realized that they have the best dog in the world. Mindi added that there’s no dog treat in the world that could have express their gratitude towards Papillon, and so, their bond became more than just a master-pet relationship. It became more of a family bond.

You can watch the documentary video below

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

BREAKING: Obama Caught In $2.6 Billion Scandal!

Over the past eight years, Barack Obama has been involved in numerous scandals and somehow he always managed to get away from them.

Well,  as it turns out, the latest scandal that involves Obama may actually put him in jail for good.
An audit by the United Sates Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspector general’s office discovered billions of dollars in improper National Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as food stamps, were claimed by stores alleging they were run by children or dead people.

“We found that 3,394 authorized SNAP retailers (retailers) used Social Security Numbers (SSN) that matched SSNs of deceased people,” the inspector general’s office said. “Additionally, 193 retailers listed owners who were not at least 18 years of age. While FNS did have some controls to edit or verify SNAP retail owner information, these controls were not adequate to ensure owner information accuracy.”

The massive food stamp fraud occurred between October 2013 and June 2015, according to a Free Beacon report. The USDA inspector general identified 3,394 stores approved to accept food stamps, which were reported as owned by 1,819 people who were listed as dead in the Social Security “Death Master File.”

“These 3,394 retailers redeemed about $2.6 billion in SNAP benefits,” the inspector general’s report also revealed. The 193 businesses that reported child owners redeemed $41 million in food stamps.
The government report went on to state the obvious—without accurate retail owner store data, there is “little assurance” the store owners are actually who they say they are. 

Identity fraud is a federal crime in United States, so it's illegal distribution of food stamps. Hopefully, Trump will investigate this matter immediately as soon as he enters the White House. American people deserve to know where their tax-payer money go.

Thank you for reading!

By 3am, Trump Went on Twitter & EXPOSED The Spy Behind FAKE “Intel”

Just days after Buzzfeed and CNN promoted a FAKE “intel” report about him, Trump took to Twitter and EXPOSED who was behind this bogus report.
But he didn’t stop there! He also DESTROYED Hillary’s staff for questioning the legitimacy of his win. They were on early this morning questioning whether or not he was even elected.


He began this Twitter storm 3:11 am(New York time), Such high energy, this man never sleeps! IT ONLY TOOK 5 TWEETS TO SHUT THEM ALL DOWN!

In the first 3 Tweets, he EXPOSED who was behind that PHONY report. Turns out, the man who put it together was a FAILED British spy just out for money. The retired spy, Christopher Steele, was reportedly hired by Republicans, then Democrats, to dig up “dirt” on Trump. 

Then Trump went after Hillary Clinton’s DESPICABLE staff who went on CNN to discredit his victory by claiming he Election was rigged:

No matter how much they try to come for him, Trump pulls out his inner Mike Tyson and dodges every punch thrown at him! 


Tuesday, 17 January 2017

8 Celebs Who Look More Than A Decade Younger Than Their Age

1. Halle Berry:

50year-old actress Halle Berry looks pretty much the same now as she did 19years ago. The actress, known for her role as Storm in the X-Men franchise and her Oscar winning turn in Monster's Ball (among numerous other films), reveals her one beauty obsession is keeping her skin in tip-top shape.

“What is high maintenance about me is my skincare regime, and it's been like that since I was 14,” she said. “I've always cleansed, toned and moisturized twice a day, every day. I think it's so important for ensuring an even complexion."

Berry is diabetic, but even if she wasn't she'd steer clear of sugar – she believes it's poison "for both your system and your skin. I avoid sugar and that helps with anti-aging. I use Xylitol as a sugar substitute and give it to my daughter", she said.

2. Martha Stewart

75-year-old Martha Stewart, lifestyle guru and former model, is as much a perfectionist about health and beauty as she is about her business empire.

While Stewart has admitted to Botox and fillers, she has a distinct and unusual health regimen that she adheres to daily:
• To keep her hair thick and healthy, she avoids hair spray or even using a hairbrush.
• Because she works with her hands so much, she keeps them young-looking with massage and yoga exercises.
• Martha drinks the juice of a whole lemon every morning. She washes her face with silicone soap, and finishes with ultra expensive Creme de la Mer moisturizer.

She outlines her beauty tips in her book Living The Good Long Life, a practical guide for the 40-and-over crowd.

3. Jane Fonda

Hard to believe, but Jane Fonda is 78 years old! A multi-award winning actress and former fitness guru, Fonda is a healthy living advocate, but hasn't shied away from plastic surgery.

However, she's not proud of it – for her it became an addiction. She previously revealed she turned to bulimia, anorexia, exercise addiction and plastic surgery to heal herself from the emotional wounds she experienced during childhood.

4. Paul Rudd

It has been proven than Paul Rudd has not aged in 15 years. He's 47 now, but we can't wrap our heads around that.

5. Thomas Brodie Sangster

You'd think Jojen on Game of Thrones would be the same age as Brandon Stark, right? Or perhaps, he would be within the age bracket of 15-17? Nope. He's 26.

6. Sandra Bullock

It feels like Miss Congeniality came out the other day, but it's been 14 years and Sandy B is 52, if you can believe it.

7. Jennifer Lopez

JLo (Jennifer Lopez) seems to have defied Father Time – at 47 she doesn't look a day over 30.

Lopez, who gave birth to twins in Emme and Maximillian in 2008, attributes keeping fit and fantastic to a gluten-free, mostly vegan diet and rigorous 90-minute workouts with her trainer, Tracy Anderson.

8. Christie Brinkley:

Former supermodel Christie Brinkley (who doesn't look older than 35) will hit 63 on February 2, 2017.

Despite a tumultuous life, which includes four divorces (one of which was an explosive public divorce with architect Peter Cook in 2008) and a helicopter crash, Brinkley credits her three kids – musician Alexa Ray Joel, 28, college freshman Jack Brinkley-Cook, 18, and up-and-coming model Sailor Brinkley-Cook, 15 – as her fountain of youth and her motivation to focus on a healthy lifestyle.

9.  Apasra Hongsakula

52years have passed since Apasra Hongsakula was Thailand's first Miss Universe. She's stayed out of the spotlight since, but sometime in 2014, pictures of the then 67-year-old–  still looking remarkably youthful – spread online. What's her secret?

While Hongsakula does look considerably younger than her years (and is rumored to have spent THB 2.5 million on anti-aging treatments and plastic surgery), she hasn't exactly shaved a half century off her age, despite what you've seen on the internet.

Monday, 16 January 2017

10 Cases Of Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong

In trying to support a youthful appearance, celebrities have spent their fair share of time and money on plastic surgeries. A little injection here and a little there, they can often get away with, but time after time they come up with a face full of mistakes.

Most of the celebrities who started off perfectly beautiful, but at the long run, turned into what you call human dulls or scary monsters are shown below.


1. Amanda Lepore

Amanda Lepore is an American model, socialite, singer and performance artist. She had her first procedure when she was just a teenager at the age of 19. The queen of plastic surgery spent the majority of her life acting and modeling.

2. Jocelyn Wildenstein (AKA New York Cat woman)

In the 1990s, Jocelyn who was married to her art dealer millionaire husband, Alec Wildenstein caught him in bed with a 19-year-old, and they divorced in 1999.

She demanded $1 million a month in maintenance payments, claiming her reliance on servants over the years had left her unable to run her own household.

Jocelyn is thought to have spent over £2 million on plastic surgery procedures, apparently in a bid to look more like her husband's beloved big cats.

Their divorce Judge told her she couldn't spend her alimony on her surgeries but she eventually won $2.5 billion from Alec and a further $100 million each year for the next 13 years.

3. Maria Geronazzo

Maria Geronazzo is a Hungarian celebrity who is best known for her shocking plastic surgery procedures which has made her a spectacle on local Hungarian television.

4. Tori Spelling:

Back in December 2014, it was reported that Tori Spelling wanted to get more plastic surgery to get her confidence back. There were rumours that her husband, Dean McDermott, had a one night stand with another lady that drove Tori’s confidence to an all time low.

Tori is regretting her plastic surgery, thinks her face looks like a "Wax Figure".

5. Christina Aguilera

She is another celebrity who may belong to this list. Christina Aguilera Plastic Surgery is believed to have involved breast augmentation, lip augmentation rhinoplasty, and liposuction.

6. Donatello Versace

She is the vice president of the brand Versace, she is 54 and has gone through a long series of plastic surgeries since the 90’s. The most obvious changes have been to her nose and lips which seem to be weirdly swollen now. There is no real evidence that she is happy with the changes herself.

7.  Tara Reid

Best known for her role in Amercian Pie as Vicky, Reid is now known for her breast implants and exceptionally bungled up liposuction. In an interview on The View, she said she had body contouring done but it all went wrong.

8. Lindsay Lohan

There is so much that can be said about Lindsay Lohan, but from a plastic surgery perspective, she’s allegedly had a ton of filler injected into her face.

9.  Joan Rivers

The one woman that had the ability insult any celebrity to their face is no more. In her day, she had too many plastic surgery procedures to count.

10. Micheal Jackson:

The late Michael Jackson spent 30 years trying to achieve his idea of perfection. He started out wanting a different nose but underwent up to 100 operations. He had Botox fillers, bleached skin, cheek implants and lip augmentation.

8 Incredibly 'Perfect' Real Life Rubberies From Around The World

Most men have probably had a fantasy or two about pulling off a “once in a lifetime” kind of heist worth millions. Fortunately, most of us are sane enough not to let it get further than a thought. Below are a few men who were not.

The only criteria for entry on this list is that they must have gotten away with it, at least temporarily. Anyone caught in the act does not qualify for this list.

All values are in US dollars.


1. Gardner Museum Art Theft - $300 Million US

On March 18, 1990, the day after Saint Patrick's Day, policemen arrived at the door of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, claiming to have received a call about a disturbance. Breaking protocol, the security officer let them in.

One of the men said he had a warrant for the guard's arrest, and they convinced him to step away from his post. Bad move: the “policemen” were really criminals in disguise, and they quickly handcuffed him and ordered him to call the other guard to the front, who was also subdued.

The thieves absconded with 13 paintings, including masterworks by Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Degas, worth a third of a billion dollars. To this date, no one has been arrested in conjunction with the crime, nor have the paintings ever been recovered. Call it the Luck of the Irish.

2. World's Largest Diamond Heist -- $100 Million US?

It's the largest diamond heist in history from the world's most impenetrable vault, located in Antwerp, Belgium. Two floors below the Diamond Centre, it was protected by a lock with 100 million possible combinations, as well as heat/motion sensors, radar, magnetic fields, and a private security force.

On the weekend of Feb 15, using a series of moves that would make Danny Ocean jealous, the thieves were able to silently enter the vault, bust open the safe deposit boxes, and make off with the glittering loot. And although the purported ring leader Leonardo Notarbartolo was caught and sentenced to 10 years, he has since been released on parole.

Notarbartolo claimed in an interview in Wired Magazine that the true take was only $20 million and was part of a larger conspiracy involving insurance fraud. Whatever -- the loot was never recovered and everybody literally made off like bandits.

3. Twin Jewel Rubbery – 7 Million Dollars Stolen

On Feb 25, 2009, three masked robbers boldly busted into Kaufhaus Des Westens, the second largest department store in Europe. Via a rope ladder, the men were able to ransack the main floor without tripping any sensors or alarms.

But what may have been a fatal error – leaving behind a single glove – ended up creating a bizarre situation. DNA found on the glove matched TWO people: identical twins identified as Hassan and Abbas O.

German law requires that each person be individually convicted and because their DNA is so similar, neither can be exclusively pinned to the evidence. German police were forced to set them both free, and the third man has yet to be found. (Source)

4. The First US National Bank Vault Robbery - $1 Million US

It's like something David Copperfield would have devised. On Friday October 7, 1977, before Columbus Day Weekend, a bank worker counted $4 million dollars in cash and stored it in a locked money cart within a heavily guarded vault, two floors below the Chicago First National Bank.

Then poof! Tuesday morning, the money is counted again, and exactly $1 million dollars – in $50 and $100 dominations and weighing over 80 pounds – had vanished into thin air. In 1981, $2300 of the money showed up in a drug raid, but otherwise both the perpetrators and the cash are still at large.

5. The Harry Winston Heist - $108 Million US

On December 4, 2008, four men, three of whom wore long blonde wigs and disguised themselves as women, charmed their way into the famous Paris jewelry store just before closing time. Once inside, they brandished a .357 and a hand grenade and began their pillaging.

Less than 15 minutes later they escaped with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds worth an estimated $108 million US. Investigators believe it to be the work of the notorious Serbian criminal gang The Pink Panthers, responsible for $132 million in robberies around the world, and have never been nabbed

6. The Tucker Cross Heist – Priceless

The Tucker Cross, named after diver Teddy Tucker who, in 1955, recovered it from the 1594 wreck of the San Pedro, was a 22-karat gold cross embedded with sparkling green emeralds and considered priceless. Nonetheless, Tucker sold it to the Government of Bermuda for an undisclosed sum.

In 1975, the Cross was moved to the Bermuda Museum of Art to be displayed for Queen Elizabeth II. No one knows when or how, but during this transition, a clever thief replaced the original with a cheap plastic replica.

Presumably, this historical artifact was melted down, stripped of its jewels, and funneled into the Black Market.

7. Japan's 300 Million Yen Robbery 

Tokyo, Japan, December 10, 1968 – A Nihon Shintaku Ginko Bank car, transporting 300 million Yen ($817,000 US) in its trunk, is pulled over by a policeman on a motorcycle, who warns them of a bomb planted underneath. Since there had already been bomb threats against the bank, the four passengers exited the vehicle as the uniformed patrolman inspected below the car.

Moments later, smoke and flames could be seen under the vehicle, causing the men to run for cover. Of course, it turned out the smoke was from a flare and the cop was a phony. He jumped in the car and sped off with the loot.

Even though there were 120 pieces of evidence, 110,000 suspects and 170,000 police investigators, the man was never caught. In 1975, the statute of limitations ended, and in 1988 all civil liabilities were voided, but still no one ‘fessed up. Come on now, this would make an incredible Movie-of-the-Week! (Source )

8. Baghdad Bank Robbery - $282 million:

Employees of the Dar Es Salaam bank showed up to work one morning to find that the doors were unlocked, the vault open, and all the money was gone. It is believed that 3 guards at the bank made off with a staggering $282 million in this whopping haul.

Yes, more than a quarter of a billion dollars! That’s more money than the entire economies of some small countries. It is unclear why the bank had such a large amount of cash on hand, but it was all in US currency. It is suspected that the guards had the assistance of militias, to avoid detection at security checkpoints around Baghdad, as having a lazy $282 million in the boot of your car might raise suspicions.

No one has been brought to justice for this brazen crime and none of the money has been recovered. The robbery received surprisingly little media coverage.

References: 1 and 2

Sunday, 15 January 2017

7 Most Extreme Acts Of Selfishness Exhibited By People

1. Man calls in bomb threat so he won't miss his flight.

A 46-year-old Italian man was late for his plane to Rome, so instead of booking a different flight, he called the airline and claimed to have overheard Arabic men saying there was a bomb on board.

Immediately, the flight was halted, and all passengers and bags re-inspected. It took off 2 ½ hours behind schedule, but not with the selfish Italian, who was arrested upon arrival at the airport.

2. Man fakes death to abort wedding

Alex Lancaster and Tucker Blandford were college sweethearts; they had met in the US while Lancaster, who was from England, was studying abroad for a year. At the end of her stay, Blandford proposed at the airport: she said yes, and the date was set for August 15, 2014. But just before the date arrived, she received an alarming call.

The man on the phone said he was Tucker's father and that his son threw himself in front of a car because he was depressed. Reeling, she called Tucker's mother to offer her condolences. That's when she learned he was not dead at all; he had called her pretending to be his father. "I'm a terrible, awful person. I know I shouldn't have told her I was dead, but I didn't know what else to do,” Tucker said. (Source 1 | Source 2)

3. Woman fakes death to avoid Christmas party. 

Joanna Grenside, of Hertfordshire, England, was a fitness instructor who had a secret: she suffered from bulimia. Desperate to avoid the upcoming work and family Christmas parties, she staged her own abduction.

Ten days before Christmas, she abandoned her car at work and discarded her rape alarm nearby. Police searched the area frantically, even using helicopters and an underwater search team.

Two days later, she appeared looking disheveled and claimed she had been kidnapped and raped. When police started getting suspicious of her story, she broke down and admitted it was all a hoax. She was given a 12-month discharge and fined 100 pounds.

4. Woman snatches couple's baby just to keep boyfriend.

Kelly Mahon wanted to keep her man, so much so, she faked a pregnancy.

In December 2015, Mahon lied to her boyfriend Dwight Dennis (with whom she was having an affair) and said she was pregnant. For nine months, she continued the ruse by putting a pillow under her clothing. When it came time for the child to be “born,” she concocted another scheme — to steal a baby.

She stalked a couple she met at a bus stop, knocked on the door and told the woman her husband was in an accident. Mahon promised to watch the baby while the panicked woman rushed to find her husband. In the interim, she stole the child and took him back to her house.

Police were quickly able to pinpoint Mahon as the culprit. The baby was unharmed, but the judge was flabbergasted. “It was an incredibly selfish act because you have a daughter. You were so wrapped up in your own concerns and obsessions,” he said. She was jailed for two years. (Source)

5. Man fakes seizures just to avoid paying restaurant bills.

He had a rap sheet of 90 arrests, mostly for skipping out restaurant tabs

Andrew Palmer of Baltimore has made a name for himself, at least in the world of selfish dine-and-dashers. For years, Palmer had gone to many different restaurants throughout the area, ordered expensive meals including drinks, and then when it came time to pay, pretending to pass out or have a seizure; paramedics would then be called, further taxing the restaurant and the city.

Police were having a hard time keeping Palmer behind bars for longer than a few weeks because his tabs were under $100 and his crimes were considered misdemeanors. Finally, in May 2014, he was convicted for not paying an $89 restaurant tab and sentenced to 5 years in prison

6. Selfish drivers shut down blood drive.

A group of 95 donors was scheduled to give blood at Windsor Youth and Community Centre in England, but because selfish parkers blocked the road, the ambulance could not get through and unload their equipment.

“We stuck notices on cars last week, but it does not seem to have done any good. One driver who came back after the blood donor session had been canceled simply shrugged and drove off,” said an official.
The road is private so the city can't tow

7. Man pulls on train emergency brake just to get his cell phone.

In December of 2016, New York City resident Eric Jones was riding on the North Jersey Coast Line train when he dropped his cell phone while traveling between cars.

Thinking only of himself, Jones pulled the emergency brake, bringing the train to a screeching halt. He was arrested and charged with defiant trespass and interfering with transportation.
